We at Avanti Strategies believe in a holistic approach to coaching our clients. We are passionate about supporting them to create and live into a compelling vision for a fulfilling personal and professional life. Our academic and healthcare leader clients are exceedingly intelligent and highly educated professionals. They face unprecedented complexity and increasingly stressful expectations for career success. To support them as they navigate these challenges, we partner together to focus on what is most important, expand awareness, challenge current thinking to shift perspectives and uncover new possibilities, and encourage self-care. We bring an extensive array of resources grounded in research and an evidence-based coaching approach. Our over 35 years working in biomedical research, academia, and healthcare allows us to truly understand the unique environments our clients work in and the requirements for their success.
Group Coaching
Our Cutting Edge Leaders Group Coaching program focuses on individual participants setting a leadership or career goal within the support of a peer group to expand leadership capacity and adaptability. In guided group sessions and one-on-one individual coaching sessions, we use a vision-based coaching approach and immunity to change framework to drive progress for the individual’s behavior goals. Clients report reduction of work-place stress and a re-invigoration regarding big collaborative projects. One of the key benefits of group work is sharing ideas and experiences with other participants and making peer connections.
Coach Training
As a Director of Training, along with fellow Director Dr. Susan English, of the Professional Coach Certification Program in the Palumbo Donahue School of Business at Duquesne University, an ICF accredited coach training program, we have prepared over 200 coaches to implement coaching in the organizations they work in or even set up a private coaching practice.
Outside of a formal coaching certificate program, we offer coach training webinars and workshops that teach coaching skills to leaders to enhance their leadership abilities and to be supportive of their peers.
Teams of coaches are now being brought into institutions to support large groups of individuals in educational and development programs. Collaborator Dr. Steve Wendell has spearheaded such an approach in the Biomedical Masters Program at the University of Pittsburgh. To support and facilitate the coaching professional growth and development of these coaches, I serve as an External Coach Coordinator in the program.
In addition to workshops to teach basic coaching skills, my collaborators and I can customize workshops, presentations, and keynotes to address a broad range of topics aimed at personal and professional success and fulfillment. Recent workshops have covered topics such as crafting a personal vision, taking charge of professional development, teaming, managing polarities, mastering difficult conversations, and setting effective expectations.